站岗: stand guard; be on sentry du ...执行: carry out; execute; implemen ...步哨: sentry; sentinel勤务: duty; service步哨勤务。: sentry duty执行步骤: execution step站岗: stand guard; be on sentry duty; stand sentry 站好最后一班岗 continue working hard till the last minute勤务: duty; service 野战勤务 field service; 勤务兵 orderly; 勤务电话 talk-back; 勤务公司 service volume; 勤务训练 service training; 勤务员 odd-jobman; servantE3步哨: sentry e-3步哨的: of the sentinel步哨线: sentry go放步哨: post on sentry哨兵,步哨: sentry警卫, 站岗: keep sentry站岗, 放哨: stand sentinel; stand sentry站岗,值班: on guard; onguard站岗,警戒: on guard侧行步: back open promenade; open promenade滑行步: skating step; step撤回步哨: withdraw the guard固定步哨: standing sentry警惕,地方;站岗,值班: on (one’s) guard警惕,提防,站岗,值班: on (one’s) guard哨兵;放哨;站岗: sentry站岗放哨: stand sentinel; stand sentinel and do guard duty; keep guard and stand sentry; stand guard